The Soft Drinks Category profiles are listed below. Click on the respective link to view the desired brand and/or market information.
Total Market
This provides the total market size (number of users), a summary table of brand shares, overall market demographics, and frequency of use (where appropriate) for the product category combining all brands. This is a good way to obtain a quick overview of any given product category.
Brand Highlights
- Total Brand Share of Market
- Brand Switching/Brand Loyalty.
- Demographics
- Frequency of Use.
- Social Media Usage Levels
- Sports Fan Involvement
Brand Share Index
This is CBA's exclusive Interactive Program that enables you to choose any brand or brands and any demographic characteristic and create a graphic chart and accompanying statistical table reflecting your choice of brands and segments. This program has merit whether you are focused on a specific brand or a series of brands.
Brand Top 10 Brands
A comparison of market size, selected characteristics and social media exposure for leading brands.